TigerInsighttm Analytics

Making data analysis actionable

Use data insights to generate change in sales trends, asset balancing/monetization and operations.
Eliminate weaknesses, capitalize on strengths.

Trend Analytics

An actionable view of your business performance

Dive into the key profit drivers, compare different departments, products or regions to gain valuable insights and drive growth.
Interactive charts are customizable and easy to navigate, making it the perfect tool for business owners, managers, and executives.

Demand Forecasting

Improve inventory turnover rates. Master product replenishment.

Couple historical sales data with our statistical models to identify excess inventory, prevent stockouts and improve product availability, at the right time, to meet customer demand.

Customer Segmentation

Unlock the potential of your customer base

Using cutting-edge techniques, we uncover valuable insights into purchasing patterns and long-term trends, allowing you to create personalized messaging. Create offers that effectively target the right audience, resulting in increased conversions and revenue.

Custom Solutions

Design analyses that incorporate the unique complexity of your business.

Allocation Insights

Sell the right items, at the right store, at the right price, at the right time.

Assortment Insights

Pinpoint depth and breadth strategies across merchandise categories.


Achieve faster sell-through based on precise reallocation.

Shopping Cart Analysis

Identify cross-selling opportunities.

Stock Out Analysis

Unmask real performance drivers to ensure a balance between reducing over-ordering and avoiding out-of-stocks.

Price Elasticity Analysis

Optimize pricing strategies, set optimal price points, and maximize profitability.

Customer Deep Dive

Analyze customer purchasing behavior, order frequency to maximize long-term customer value.

Cross-Domain Analytics

Couple sales and inventory data with P&Ls and customer loyalty reports to gain robust insights into your business.

Open to Buy

Agile planning tool to assist merchandise buyers to support inventory and sales forecasts.